2015 GIZ Electric Vehicle Expo and Conference Campaign Support

The Caribbean Media Corporation (CMC) played a pivotal role in facilitating communication during the Regional Electric Vehicle Expo & Conference held in Barbados on November 9-10, 2015. As the primary organizer of the event, GIZ recognized the importance of raising awareness among stakeholders regarding discussions, insights, challenges, and solutions associated with the expansion of electric vehicles (EVs) in the region.

In acknowledgment of this need, CMC was enlisted to spearhead the information dissemination efforts, leveraging its extensive regional platform encompassing television, social media, and online newspapers. The objective was to provide comprehensive coverage of the event’s activities, shedding light on the hurdles and potential solutions related to the proliferation of EVs in the Caribbean.  The campaign not only delved into the challenges of integrating EVs but also explored viable strategies for overcoming them. Central to this effort was the sharing of policy perspectives on energy efficiency, renewable energy, and the adoption of electric vehicles. The initiative went further to analyze the medium to long-term benefits associated with the increased use of EVs in both Barbados and the broader Caribbean region.

Additionally, the campaign spotlighted impediments such as escalating bureaucracy, high taxation, and financial constraints that hinder the development and advancement of the EV sector. In essence, CMC’s facilitation work provided a crucial regional platform to showcase EVs, promoting awareness of their benefits while also highlighting other opportunities in the realm of renewable energy throughout the Caribbean.

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