The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women)
MultiCountry Office – Caribbean partnered with the Caribbean Media Corporation (CMC) in the
ECOVAWG visibility campaign. The initiative highlighted the findings that the ECOVAWG study produced under the EU-UN Spotlight Initiative Jamaica programme, an output of the UN Women MCO Caribbean deliverables as a Recipient UN Organisation (RUNO) under the EUUN Spotlight Initiative.
UN Women Multi-Country Office (MCO)- Caribbean covers 22 countries and territories in the English and Dutch-speaking Caribbean that are part of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). Strides towards gender equality in the countries covered by the MCO have resulted in gains for women and girls in the Caribbean, relating primarily to high education rates, and increases in employment rates, however, critical gaps remain.
The UN Women features were aired primarily in Jamaica as that market provided the context for the outputs under the EU-UN Spotlight Initiative Jamaica programme. However, the study and public service announcements (PSAs) convey critical data and lessons learned, which hold significance for all Caribbean countries making regional broadcast invaluable.
The exposure of the videos on terrestrial television in Jamaica and our cable system across 16 Caribbean countries including Jamaica, provided wide coverage of the material and supported the UN’s outreach program. CMC was delighted with our contribution to the campaign efforts, which added significant value and amplified the powerful message advocating for the rights of women and girls.